Valentine's day.
Happy Valentine's Day.

People have to find a Valentine's present, like their life depends on it... It's the lover's day, but don't you dare come with empty hands ! Yes it can be nice to offer something and show your loved one your feelings, but if there is a set day for it it looses the authenticity. Offer a present because it's the day to offer presents, or offer one because you want to ?
Love is not a matter of Hallmark cards (do people even look at it before buying it ? come on ! it's either silly or ugly) nor a matter of one day per year, chosen by... who actually ?
Have a nice day anyway, alone or with that person, I dedicate this photography to the very sweet couple in it (and my very special person that happens to be their daughter). I'm sure they'll enjoy this day, together (they always are :)
After all, whatever I say, it's still lover's day, so... happy Valentine's !