Hope you like them.
They are taken with a Pentax
film SLR camera (it means not digital), that's why I have to scan them.
Most of them are different from the original paper ones (heh, that's why computer graphists are made for...)
Watching the following originals might help you get the point.
You see that after the scan the color is poor. Blacks are washed out... looking gray.
There are stains made by the scanner (have to clean it correctly some day, did I use it as a table !?)
The Thai truck picture is under a blue cast, because of the coloured windows of the car I was in.
The temple bells picture's framing needs some rotation, and I added some special exposure and depth of field effects to my taste.
The mirror picture was a good start point, to make an esthetic image suiting my taste. In itself it was not so interresting. I like the result though.

Below is the original picture I used to make my profile image. As you can see it's underexposed.
The final image is the result of several steps or reworking.

I'm done with the explanations, they are for people who are unfamiliar with computer graphics (no more than a few days ago I was asked this by a friend of mine - Woon, if you read this someday ;) and to explain how I work to get the pictures you will see in this blog.
In the future though, if you are interrested to know how a specific picture was done/reworked, ask me in the comments (public is allowed to post) and I will detail. I don't know who will read this blog and watch the pictures. But it'll be good if a few people like it.
I will add many other pictures soon.
Please check regularly for updates.